Friday, 12 November 2021

Getting down to it: November report from BSBI President Lynne Farrell

November has been a time for getting down to it and it is a time to consolidate and enjoy what the Society has been doing throughout the year. 

On 6th November we held the Scottish Botanists' Conference by Zoom, and around 250 people tuned in, with many participating through talks, posters and photographs entered into the 2021 BSBI Photographic Competition

Videos of the talks will be available soon for those who missed this event on the actual day, but you can view the exhibits right now.

Next weekend, will be the Annual General Meeting on Friday 19th November in the evening, followed by the BSBI Annual Exhibition Meeting all day on Saturday 20th.

Again, this will be a virtual link, which in some ways is more flexible, enabling people from around Britain and Ireland (and overseas!) to join in, but it does involve much hard work behind the scenes, so thanks to our staff and volunteers for putting on the show, and thanks to our members for their contributions. 

I have been getting down to it in the field also, although I have to admit that is more challenging as I get older and certainly getting up from the ground is even harder (image below of me and fellow fungi-hunters lying on a cricket pitch to take photographs - taken by my friend Sue Brindle). 

However, there are some treasures to be found at ground level and with the generous amount of rain that has fallen during the past 3 weeks, many fungi have appeared very quickly, with different species emerging with each day. 

I am by no means a mycologist but that does not mean I cannot enjoy the sheer range and beauty of these ‘plants’ which have their own kingdom. Their names are equally as fascinating, including Orange Peel (image top right), Plums and Custard, Penny Bun, Violet Coral (image above left) and White Spindles. Please do leave these growing for others to see and enjoy, and just get down to fully appreciate them.