The last of the winter meetings.
The winter season of London meetings closed the other week with BSBI Council, which met in a room at the Astronomical Society (hence the telescopes in the photo on the right) to grapple with a packed agenda. Subjects ranged from recording for a proposed Atlas 2020 to reports from the Committees and Officers, from ash die-back to the society's change of governance, and there was close scrutiny of accounts and budgets. Trying to distil everything you want to say about your area of expertise into a few minutes is quite a challenge, but the feedback from other Council members is always constructive and we managed to get through the whole agenda in three hours, under the skilful chairmanship of our President, Ian Bonner.During his two years as President, Ian has overseen the blossoming of the Plant Unit and the launch of New Journal of Botany, encouraged all our publicity and outreach initiatives, and guided us towards this year's change of governance. I know Ian will thank everyone who helped him in these endeavours, but he will be too modest to mention what a pivotal role he played himself. So I'm happy to blow the trumpet for him!
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