So, if you are not a BSBI member, this is your opportunity to read papers published in NJB. If you are already a member, you can now send this link to any non-members who may be interested - much better than handing over your precious copy of NJB, which all members receive by post three times a year. Copies lent out rarely come back, once people have seen the mix of original research papers, opinion pieces, short notes, colour images showing key diagnostic features, reviews of the latest botany books and of course our Plant Records section, which lists all the plants, alien or native, that have been recorded for the first time in a vice-county. Many of NJB's editors have contributed to the Journal of the Month webpage, so please have a look and let us know what you think.
Thanks, I really enjoyed this issue (3/3), articles on botanical recording, ecology, taxonomy and morphology, what more could you ask for! Dr M