Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Tim Rich revisits Attenborough's Hawkweed

Tim and Attenborough's Hawkweed, Cribyn
Image: C. Gait
Last December, the discovery of Attenborough's Hawkweed Hieracium attenboroughianum by botanist and BSBI member Dr Tim Rich went public with a scientific description published in New Journal of Botany and coverage in the wider media.

Now it's summer and last weekend, Tim returned to Cribyn, a National Trust (NT) site, to see "his" - or is it Sir David's? - Hawkweed in flower, with a NT group.

Tim says that Attenborough's Hawkweed was in full bloom, the sun shone and everybody had a lovely afternoon. There are two more images here

I couldn't get any more info out of him about the day or the Hawkweed (apart from a brief mention of cake!) This is because Tim has just made another interesting botanical observation, so that's what he wants to talk about right now - more to follow...

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