Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Presentations from the BSBI Exhibition Meeting 2015

Record number of visitors enjoying the exhibits
Image: W. Arshad
If you have been weeping and tearing your hair out because you weren't able to attend this year's BSBI Exhibition Meeting - or if you were there and want to relive the experience all over again - you're in luck. 

Most of the presentations have now been uploaded to the Exhibition Meeting page here and the final two will follow in the next few days. 

So you can find out more about the plants spotted this year at the furthest reaches of BSBI's geography:

John Faulkner (on left), Ian Denholm (in hat)
 & fellow botanists on the northern
 Irish coast: BSBI Summer Meeting 2015
Image: O. Duffy
North: Lynne Farrell and Ian Denholm reported on some of the tiny white wild flowers seen during the BSBI Shetland Recording Week - they had to get down on hands and knees and apply their handlenses but it was worth it! 

East: Ian Woodward looked down at the plants in the Brecks (as a birder, he's more used to looking upwards!) on a BSBI field meeting and tells us what he saw. He has quite a list!

West: Our new President John Faulkner reported on this year's botanising in the north and west of Ireland: the BSBI Summer Meeting based at Coleraine, the Castlebar fieldtrip and the exploits of the celebrated Rough Crew!

Field of Jersey Orchids
Image: I. Denholm
South: Outgoing President Ian Denholm went orchid spotting on Jersey and George Garnett's presentation on the plants of Guernsey is mentioned on several feedback forms as one of the highlights of this year's Exhibition Meeting.

These presentations are all from the morning session, and you can also see Brenda Harold's presentation. She welcomed visitors back from lunch with a talk about Identiplant, the on-line identification course. Many people in the audience had taken part in the course, either as students or as tutors, so appreciated the chance to chat to Brenda throughout the day. 

Ok, I'll pipe down and let you head over here to start downloading this first batch of presentations. Don't forget to put 26th November in your diary - next year's Exhibition Meeting!  

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