Chapel Fell Image: D. Wallace |
Earlier this year, more than 20 budding botanists were successful in applying for a BSBI training grant.
Below we are delighted to share the first of this year's guest blogposts by a grant recipient. Over to Debs Wallace to tell us about the course she was able to do this year thanks to her BSBI training grant:
"This summer, receiving a BSBI training grant this year enabled
me to attend a three day course 'Identifying Grasses' led by Sarah Watson-Jones
at Malham Tarn FSC.
Grasses on Chapel Fell Image: D. Wallace |
Sarah's great knowledge and
experience really helped us all to gain confidence in identifying a range of
grasses and it was lovely to see many typical limestone habitat species such as
Sesleria caerulea (Blue Moor-grass), Koeleria macrantha (Crested Hair-grass)
and Trisetum flavescens (Yellow Oat-grass).
Visiting a variety of different habitats enabled us to see
over 40 different species in the field.
Malham Tarn Image: D. Wallace |
Recording and comparing the species in
a series of quadrats up the slopes of Chapel Fell allowed us not only to
identify the species present but to understand the ecology and changing geology
as we gained height (and the views were beautiful too).
Learning about the floral characteristics of several genera of
grasses was really useful.
Auricles of Giant Fescue Image: D. Wallace |
Discovering why an Oat-grass is an Oat-grass, understanding
the difference between dimorphic spikelets and dimorphic florets, appreciating
the importance of observing the origins of awns, the shapes of lemmas and the
lengths of glumes were all really useful in using identification keys.
it was tricky, using microscopes to dissect the florets of Agrostis (Bent)
grasses to compare the lengths of paleas really helped in identifying these
species, particularly when (as we discovered) characters such as the presence
or absence of awns can be variable and make this a difficult group to identify.
At Grass Woods and Bastow Woods we became familiar with field
characteristics of many woodland species such as the lovely big purple/red
auricles of Schedonorus giganteus (Giant Fescue) and the leaf sheaths of Melica
uniflora (Wood Melick) terminating in the characteristic bristle opposite the
Wood Melick Image: D. Wallace |
Spending our final morning exploring the grasses of the
beautiful habitat at Malham Tarn Moss and Fen consolidated our previous
learning and introduced us to some of the wetland grasses.
Surrounded by so
many other lovely plants, it was really hard to concentrate our attention
solely on the grass species and I have promised myself a return visit to look
at the other treasures.
Attending Warrington Plant Group's field meetings (a BSBI
affiliated group lead by Gail Quartly-Bishop) has provided opportunities to apply
the knowledge gained during this course and I am looking forward to practising
some vegetative identification as summer draws to a close.
Malham Tarn Moss and Fen Image: D. Wallace |
was a wonderful opportunity to be out in the field with really experienced and
knowledgeable botanists and I learnt a great deal from this.
It was also
fantastic to be able to contribute to BSBI Atlas 2020 recording and I have been
out on my own in my local area carrying out Atlas recording since then".
Many thanks to Debs for telling us how a BSBI Training grant helped her sharpen up her botanical ID skills and get more involved in recording.
If you are interested in applying for a grant in 2017, you'll need to keep an eye on our Training page. Grants go live on 1st January each year so check the criteria for eligibility and get your application in quickly!