Rowan (on left) and fellow students FSC Juniper Hall Image: P. O'Brien |
BSBI member Rowan emailed me recently enthusing about an excellent ID course she had just attended, so I suggested that her report could be shared here. So, over to Rowan:
"I have just been on the most brilliant FSC short course run
by Judith Allinson at Juniper Hall, Surrey, over the Bank Holiday weekend on ‘The Vegetative
Identification of Grasses’.
"This was an extraordinarily good training weekend...
Allinson was remarkable for her ability to bring the topic alive using a wide
variety of techniques (from teaching each other to songs, poetry and hand-made
demountable models of grass features) to ensure everyone grasped the detail.
Judith surrounded by her students Image courtesy of R. Roenisch |
"We all collected specimens to press of some 38 non-flowering
grasses from several distinctive habitats and Judith brought in one or two further
samples to supplement what we were able to see on the various excursions.
"These were mounted under clear plastic in
specially provided pocket-sized books with space to write up key identification
"We entered the specimens according to the character of the emerging
shoot and ultimate size of the grass and the books are now our easy-to-access,
indexed ‘field guides’ with room to include other species yet to be encountered.
"Judith also provided detailed charts of grass features to
take home and generally had put in an extraordinary amount of thought (not to
say extremely hard work) to making the varied presentations and activities
educational, entertaining and memorable.
Anne & Mike getting to grips with grass ID FSC Juniper Hall Image: P. O'Brien |
"I have been on several courses with FSC, various Wildlife
Trusts and the BSBI locally and nationally and I have to say that this was
truly remarkable for the clarity of presentation, the accessibility of the
material and the systems devised (including earlier work with Richard Pankhurst)
to enable students to actually identify the different species not only during
the weekend but during future forays and surveys that we might undertake.
"Despite the long hours of application each day (9am -10pm)
I, and I know the other twelve students, found the whole experience not only
profitable, but riveting and extremely enjoyable. Highly recommended!"
Thanks Rowan! If any News & Views readers have attended a particularly good ID course recently - or if you were disappointed in a course - why not send me your review and we can share it here for the benefit of fellow botanists.