Booking for this year's recording extravaganza on the beautiful Dingle peninsula in the west of Ireland closed yesterday (officially) but if you missed out, don't despair! I was just chatting to BSBI Irish Officer Maria Long and ace botanist Rory Hodd of Rough Crew fame - Rory is organising the event - and I asked how bookings were going. As you'd expect, there has been huge interest in this event which runs from 1st - 5th June. 35 people have already booked, but the good news is that there are two twin rooms left unbooked at 'base camp' for the Friday/Saturday/Sunday nights. Maria said "I'm so excited about the #KerryBSBIevent. We'll be spending five days recording in one of my favourite places in Ireland, the Dingle peninsula. It's just stunning down there and has it all - amazing beaches, formidable mountains and rarities galore. We already have 35 people attending but still have two twin rooms available at base camp' (Harbour House Guesthouse). I wonder who'll be filling those spots? Will it be you?" Well if I wasn't working that weekend then yes, it would be me! But as I can't make it, one of you lucky people can go instead. Please email Rory as quickly as you can and book your space at the recording event of the year. I'll be following the action on Twitter and trying not to be too jealous!
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