Thursday 6 March 2014

BSBI Field Meetings: the season has started!

BSBI's national Field Meetings Programme 2014 kicked off last Sunday in VC50 with a Winter ID session on deciduous trees led by Martin Price and Welsh Officer Polly. She has posted an account on her Blog here and BSBI member Gail, who attended the meeting, posted the image below on Twitter.

BSBI field meeting, Castle Wood, Ruthin, Wales
Image: G. Quartly-Bishop
 If you haven't yet checked the Field Meetings Programme, remember that spaces fill up really quickly, so you'd better get your skates on! And don't forget to click on the interactive map on our homepage to find out what your local botany group is doing this year. In VC63 last month, the newly-formed South Yorkshire Botany Group met to look at mosses. They already have their own Blog so click here to see what they found.

If you don't yet have a local group in your area, why not start one? It's quick and easy to do, and you can soon build a local botanical network and decide where to visit for some serious plant-hunting once spring really gets going! Email me for an info pack and tipsheet to help you set up a local group. 

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