Saturday 29 March 2014

BSBI in the Irish Times

BSBI field meeting, Co. Wexford
Image: M. Long
A great start to the Irish Members' Conference today with an excellent piece in the Irish Times. Click here to read what columnist Michael Viney has to say about BSBI in Ireland and about recording Irish plants.

I have been promised photos of botanists enjoying the weekend's talks, workshops and other activities celebrating 50 years of BSBI in Ireland. Many thanks to the three BSBI members who offered to take photos - as soon as I receive them, they can be shared here on the Blog. 

Irish members and flower-rich machair in Donegal
Image: M. Long
And do keep an eye on the BSBI Ireland Facebook page- it's full of info on what's happening in Ireland this year. With great photos ;-) and news about local botany groups

This afternoon, Irish members will enjoy a Euphrasia workshop led by Chris Metherell and no doubt the observations of participants will feed back into Chris's work towards a new Euphrasia handbook. What goes around, comes around!

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