Thursday 27 March 2014

Celebrating 50 years of BSBI in Ireland

The Irish Members' Conference kicks off in Dublin on Saturday, and runs over the weekend with some very interesting talks and workshops in the programme. But Irish Officer Maria Long has added even more value to an already packed Conference...  

Glasshouse at Glasnevin
Image: M. Long
Some of those attending are also MapMate experts, so Maria has been very crafty and arranged for them to lead a MapMate workshop tomorrow (Friday). 

Maria said "This is not part of the conference proper, but an add-on to capitalise on the visit of MapMate experts for the conference. This will be a great opportunity for BSBI vice-county recorders in particular to learn about MapMate. Content will be designed to suit level of expertise of those signed-up".

Dr Maria Long & Prof Richard Bateman
BSBI Recorders' Conference, Shrewsbury 2013
Image: L. Farrell
Well, that should whet people's appetites for what's to follow. Getting a bit jealous here, wishing I'd booked for this event, which was open to members across Britain & Ireland... Apparently, there are talks on Saturday morning and then workshops after lunch, including:

  • "some tricky aquatic groups" (Cilian Roden & Richard Lansdown);
  • Euphrasia (Chris Metherell);
  • ferns (Fred Rumsey);
  • and Maria says "There will be one workshop tailored more for beginners/new-comers. There will be a technology theme too, with MapMate and the BSBI Distribution Database (DDb) covered".
On Saturday evening, they are all having a celebration of fifty years of the BSBI in Ireland - now this is where I'm getting really jealous - Maria says "There will be a small exhibition and a few short talks, followed by food. We hope that this will be a nice, relaxed, but well-attended and enjoyable celebration". 

And then there's another full day of lovely planty stuff on Sunday. Oh to be in Dublin now that the almost-in-April Conference is here. If you are at the Irish Members' Conference, why not leave us a comment below and tell us what a brilliant time you're all having at those workshops. Send in a photo for the Blog, make us all absolutely green with envy...

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