It was great to see Martin Godfrey at the Euphrasia workshop in Leicester a few months ago - he shares my passion (and yours, I hope!) for herbaria, and volunteers regularly in his local herbarium at Stoke Museum. So I'm delighted that Martin has sent us an update on his work on brambles, and some images.
"Having completed the catalogue of Eric Edees' Rubus material, I thought I would get away from the actual plant specimens for a bit and take a
look at some neglected material in the form of Edees papers left to the museum
on his death.
"As a county recorder and
national referee for Rubus his correspondence was very wide, taking in many of
the major botanists of the previous generation - including Peter Sell on both Hieraceum
and what was to become Sell and Murrell’s “Flora of Great Britain and Ireland”
and Pugsley on Euphrasia [see image on left].
"The notes, letters and drawings are very detailed and give considerable
insight into the species concepts of the period and the differences between UK
and Continental botanists. On a lighter
note, there are letters between Edees and H E Weber in Germany about the
possibility of a European Batological Exchange Club and, for the biological
recording buffs, some discussion on how to label tetrads in the pre-DINTY days.
"In a county museum like this we don’t just
have an herbarium so I thought that I would highlight the people who share the
lab with me and the, similarly neglected, collections they work on – so here (on left) is a picture of archaeologist Laura
working on bones from a cave in the Manifold Valley and (below) arachnologist
Sarah-Jane working on our spider collection".
Thanks for this, Martin. Interesting to have a glimpse into what goes on at Stoke Museum.
To see the images at a larger size - and to read the letter more easily - just click on the images.
If you also work on a botanical collection, whether paid or unpaid, in a museum or a university herbarium, why not send us a few words and an image or two? And do check out the NatSCA blog. We herbarium people should stick together - if we don't blow our own trumpets, I doubt if anybody else will!
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