Monday 29 June 2015

Conference: Cherishing Churchyards

Churchyard Meadow Saxifrage
Image: Dan Wrench
'Caring for God's Acre' has featured on these pages before. 

New Year Plant Hunter and prizewinner Tim Havenith chose greater support for this charity as one of his Botanical Wishes for 2015. 

'Caring for God's Acre' is a non-religious charity which supports the conservation of burial sites of all kinds. 

Their Manager Sue has been in touch to ask me to pass on details of a conference to be held in London on 16th of July.

Churchyard wildflowers
Image: courtesy of Caring for God's Acre

The conference is called 'Beauty in Tranquility: Cherishing Churchyards and Burial Grounds' and you can download the booking details here.

There are several talks and workshops in the programme which may be of interest to botanists.

The images on these pages show how churchyards and burial grounds can be managed for biodiversity.

You can find out more about 'Caring for God's Acre' by visiting their website here

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