In September last year, we were delighted
to tell you about a new addition to the bookshelves of orchid-lovers across
Britain and Ireland. Britain’s
Orchids, written by Sean Cole and Mike Waller, published by Princeton
University Press/ WildGuides, and featuring BSBI distribution maps, has been selling steadily and the book has
attracted very favourable reviews. So you may be wondering why on earth, having
Mike last autumn, I’m now back interviewing Sean!
Well, you may be thinking of a field guide to orchids as something that you take down from the bookshelves in late spring
just as the Early Purple Orchids come into flower, and put away again a few
months later just as the Autumn Lady’s-tresses go to seed. But you’d be wrong,
as many midwinter plant-hunters have been discovering recently! Before Sean
explains why, I asked him to tell us if there is one orchid in particular that
he’d like to see this year.
SC: Well, as regular readers of this blog
will probably know from our previous
chat in 2014, when my Ghost Orchid paper was published in New Journal of Botany, that it
is the only species I’ve yet to see in Britain or Ireland, so until that day,
it is always that one! But more realistically, Covid allowing, I am planning
trips to Donegal and the Western Isles, two absolutely stunning orchid
Ghost Orchid at Marlow 1953 Image courtesy of National Museum, Wales |
LM: Ah, the entry in Britain’s Orchids for
the Ghost Orchid always gives me a lump in the throat! It shows the BSBI distribution map with
one solitary post-2000 dot showing where the Ghost was last recorded, in 2009,
and those photos from Buckinghamshire where a few plants were seen in the
1980s… I know you’ve seen the Ghost on the Continent but not (yet) in Britain –
maybe 2021 will be the year?
SC: Every year I say that, in a
demonstration of hope overcoming experience, but last autumn, and this winter
so far, have provided favourable conditions for an appearance of Ghost this
year – in the west at least. We have had seemingly continual rain throughout
the autumn and winter (after record flooding back in March 2020), and then,
from Boxing Day, a hard freeze, which only ended this week. We now have
saturated ground. If only we can have rain throughout March and April, then
again from August to October, and we might really be talking turkey! I
appreciate that if it happens, I may not be very popular for wishing it!
LM: Blimey Sean that doesn’t sound like
much fun for plant hunters! Why would that kind of weather be good for the
SC: There are two things the Ghost likes
the most – permanently wet soil and no trampling. Research has proven that heavy footfall
ruins populations, as the stolons and underground parts are present so close to
the surface, and footfall destroys them in soft soil. So the likelihood is that
even if the impossible happens, it won’t be a public event.
Sean finds and photographs his quarry! Image M. Waller |
LM Ok so that’s for later in the year,
weather permitting, but right now – and this is why we are talking today Sean –
in the past few weeks people have been posting photos of what they think are
orchid rosettes on social media. Many of the c2,000 people who took part in the
BSBI New Year Plant Hunt,
where people look for plants in bloom at midwinter, also emailed us to enquire
if the rosettes they noticed while scanning lawns and road verges might be Bee
Orchids. Could your book help them or will they have to wait for the flowers to
SC: It’s great to see people searching out
rosettes as well as flowering examples. It’s pretty much a new discipline, probably begun by Mike when he
wrote the British
orchids vegetative ID guide for the NHM back in 2016, building on the
approach taken by John Poland’s Vegetative Key to the British Flora. Our
intention was always to make Britain’s Orchids a book that you could use all
year round, and the rosette section was a key part of that.
Bee orchid rosette, Jan 2021, NHM garden Image: S Cole |
If you think about it, this is the time of
year that orchids are easiest to spot, because there is barely any surrounding
vegetation to hide them. Luckily, Bee
Orchids often grow close to habitation – roadside verges, traffic islands,
village greens, sports pitches, industrial estates and gardens - as well as old
gravel pits and other man-made habitats. They don’t like competition, so they grow
where the ground is bare or the surrounding vegetation doesn't compete.
Finding them in winter can be vital to
their survival too: if you know they are present in an area that usually gets
mown later on in the year then you can take action promptly, engage landowners,
contractors and locals to protect them – and everything else that grows
alongside - as well as the invertebrates that rely on the plants.
LM: Good advice Sean and here's the tweet you spotted from one happy person who found Bee Orchid rosettes in their garden the other day! So which other orchid rosettes should
people be looking for in the next few months? And which habitats and locations
should they be looking in?
Burnt Orchid Image: M. Waller |
SC: Fifteen of our native species can be
found during January, with the most obvious being Bee, Early Purple, Pyramidal
and Green-winged. But if you are able to visit sites with other Ophrys or
Orchis species, they are around too. You could even set yourself the trickiest
challenge of all and try to find an overwintering Burnt Orchid!!
LM: If anyone can find an over-wintering
Burnt Orchid I’d like to hear about it! So once orchids start coming into bud –
I see there are several pages in the book showing what those buds will look
like – could you give us an idea of an orchid hunter’s calendar and itinerary
through the year?
SC: Given the uncertainty around travel at
the moment, I’d suggest that people stay local and look for new places in their
area. The winter rosettes are soon joined by the annual ones, with my local
Common Spotted Orchid rosettes first appearing at the end of February last
year. I’ve just found out about a site less than a mile from my house with 200
Southern Marsh Orchids, and I’ve lived here for eight years! So there is always
something to discover. Look for orchid places and visit at a time of year you
wouldn’t usually go – there could be some real surprises.
LM: Good advice, an opportunity to hunt for
orchid sites while staying safe under lockdown. There’s a question that I asked
Mike and I’d like to ask you too: You must have visited a lot of locations
across Britain and Ireland in the course of your research. Are there any that
particularly stand out in your memory?
SC: For me it is wider areas rather than
specific sites (although I have a real soft spot for the Oxfordshire Military
Orchid site). County Donegal is so beautiful and full of orchids, it is truly
magical. A little-known fact is, it has more species than anywhere else in
Ireland. Also, the Scottish machair is mind-blowingly stunning – north west
mainland and the Hebrides - full of wildlife, especially orchids of course.
Dune Helleborine in a Harrogate planter (close-up) Image: K. Walker |
LM: Machair is one of my favourite habitats too! When I interviewed Mike, he also said that
while the two of you worked together on many of the sections, you were sole
author on the Identifying Epipactis (helleborines) section. It has always
fascinated me how Broad-leaved helleborines can grow quite happily in some very urban environments.
I’ve seen them in car parks in Glasgow Southside, looking quite happy next to
cigarette ends and dog poo – not where you might expect to see orchids! How is
it that they can survive so happily in such unexpected places? SC: One of my favourite photos in Britain’s
Orchids is Isabel Hardman’s photo
of a Broad-leaved Helleborine growing out of a drain cover in an urban Glasgow street.
This species can grow in almost any soil type, although it prefers calcareous
substrates, and it is also tolerant of almost any light or shade conditions.
Similarly, the soil doesn’t have to be particularly wet or dry. Whilst little
is known about its mycorrhizal host partners, the likelihood is that it uses
species that are common and widespread. It is pollinated primarily by common
wasps, and has a high pollination success. This has caused problems in places
where it has been introduced out of its normal range, as it can out-compete
native species.
LM: I love that there’s still so much to
discover about our wild plants! And Dune Helleborines – they seem to be turning
up in places that cannot by any stretch of the imagination be considered to be
dunes! How come?
The Harrogate planter where Dune Helleborines grow Image: K. Walker |
SC: Dune Helleborine is a story unfolding
as we watch, and we have much to learn about it. Part of its range expansion is
undoubtedly due to increased awareness of its identification – it is a subtle
species that looks ostensibly like Broad-leaved Helleborine. But it is
spreading into other habitats, primarily man-made ones such as reclaimed or
disused gravel pits and spoil heaps. Records on roadside verges, or like Kevin
Walker’s planters in urban Harrogate where they presumably arise from seed in
soil placed in these locations. Like Broad-Leaved Helleborine, Dune Helleborine
isn’t massively fussy about soil conditions, and it also chooses dual
pollination methods, so if insects aren’t present, it will self-pollinate –
again giving high rate of seed set. One curious thing about this species is
that it can flower when very small (i.e. when it’s young) so I wonder if this
means populations can get going much more quickly?
Spread of rosette images from Britain's Orchids |
LM: Fascinating stuff! So the moral seems
to be that wherever you are and whatever time of year it is, you may find
orchids if you just keep your eyes peeled and arm yourself with a suitable
book! Sean, is this a good time to remind people of where they can buy a copy
of Britain’s Orchids, how much it costs, how many pages, how many colour
photos…. Go on, you’ve got five minutes to do the sales pitch!
SC: The best sales pitch for a book is its
readers’ reviews, and so far they have all been very positive. The main reason people seem to like it is that the illustrations by Sarah Stribbling are so
stunning; we show all the variation within all the species, side-by-side, we’ve
included all the hybrids with their parents on either side, and we show orchids
at all stages of development – so if you get to a site too early or late, you
can still identify what you see. All in a mere 286 pages and for less than £20!
Books are still cheapest I believe, but all the natural history booksellers
have it.
Ghost Orchid photographed in beech wood in Germany Image: S Cole |
One recent review pointed out that there
are so many orchid books already available, and therefore what was the point of
another one coming out. We were well aware of the plethora of existing literature,
much of it very good, so knew we had to produce something unique, beautiful and
eminently useful, otherwise nobody would bother. The reviewer concluded we had,
and that Britain’s Orchids was a necessary addition to the subject, so that was
a relief!
LM: Phew! But to be even-handed, I’ll just
remind readers that the Orchid ID page on
the BSBI website has links to some free ID tips and resources as well as
suggestions of some of the other orchid books on the market. If you have
questions about orchids, you can contact both Mike and Sean via social media and share
your orchid photos with them. You can also follow the Britain’s Orchids Twitter account or email them direct at
Many thanks for talking to me Sean and will
you promise me something please? If one day you find a Ghost Orchid in Britain,
will you come back and tell us all about it?
SC: Believe me, I will be telling EVERYONE
about that!! But you might have to come to me, as I may be in an old folks’
home by then.
LM: Deal!