Monday 30 December 2013

Plants in flower in Derbyshire & North Wiltshire today. 

Sherardia arvensis in N. Wilts today
Image: T. Havenith
Tim Havenith and his betrothed took a walk in Melksham, North Wiltshire today and found six species of plant in flower, including this lovely Sherardia arvensis Field Madder. They also found Lamium purpureum, Euphorbia peplus, Senecio vulgaris, Bellis perennis and Taraxacum officinale agg. 

Records are also in from two recorders in Derbyshire: Jonathan Mortin found six species this afternoon -  including Gorse Ulex europaeus - near Buxton, while Roy Smith found 16 wild plants during a half-hour dog-walk in Swanwick - but no Gorse! 

Lamium purpureum in N. Wilts today
Image: T. Havenith
Roy also told me "Finally, in our front garden, just hanging on to part of a flower, was a self-set  Hieracium dalense (an endemic - originally planted, of course!). Erodium cicutarium would have made it two days earlier, but on the last day, the petal had dropped off!" 

Plant Hunt Co-ordinator Tim Rich was out again today - in Cardiff and apparently it was freezing. But he and Ceri saw some nice things like Treacle Mustard Erysimum cheiranthoides which they claim "warmed us up a bit". I think that's what you call putting a positive spin on it! 

More people are going out recording in the morning - let's hope the weather is ok for them. 

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