This month Kevin tells us about a wild flower growing in a very different habitat: floodplain meadows.
Over to Kevin to tell us about Snake's-head Fritillary:
"One of my favourite botanical paintings is Charles Rennie
Mackintosh’s exquisite watercolour (on right) of Snake’s-head Fritillary Fritillaria meleagris that he completed whilst recuperating from illness in Walberswick, Suffolk in 1915. Due to the war-time restrictions his activities, which included painting in
the open-air and frequent evening walks with a forbidden lantern, were treated
with great suspicion by the locals and in the end he was accused of spying, placed
under house arrest and banished from East Anglia for the duration of the war.
Stand of Snake's-head Fritillary Image: Pete Stroh |
"More has probably been written about the status of Snake’s-head
Fritillary than any other British plant. Those who believe it to be native see
British populations as the western outpost of a ‘Greater Rhineland’ range that was
gradually cut-off from mainland Europe by rising sea-levels, isostatic
adjustments and possibly finally by tsunamis created by the Storegga submarine
landslip around 8,200 years ago (Oswald, 1994). Furthermore, its main British
habitat, flood meadow grassland, is very similar to those in parts of Europe
where it is accepted unquestionably as a native species.
"Those who favour
non-native status point to its remarkably late year of discovery in the wild (1736)
and the lack of cultural references to it in art, literature, architecture,
folklore and place names; to them both are inconceivable for such an attractive plant
growing so abundantly close to a major seat of learning such as Oxford (Harvey,
1986). Indeed, one of the largest British populations occurs within the grounds
of Oxford University’s Magdalen College.
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Snake's-head Fritillaries at Kungsängen https://www.flickr.com/photos/ulfbodin /7269368312/in/photostream/ |
"One of the key arguments supporting it being native is its
association with ancient flood meadows, such as North Meadow in Wiltshire where
numbers regularly exceed half a million individuals (Wolstenholme, 2011).
However, the history of Snake’s-head Fritillary at Sweden’s most famous Fritillary
site provides a salutary tale. Kungsängen (King’s Meadow) is a flood meadow near
to Uppsala in Southern Sweden where Snake’s-head Fritillary first appeared in the
1740s having escaped from a nearby Botanic Garden. Since then it has spread prodigiously
throughout the meadow and numbers are now approach the hundreds of thousands
(Zhang, 1983). This shows that large populations in Britain, such as North
Meadow, could have originated from garden escapes since it was first recorded.
More recent introductions to ancient flood meadows in both Huntingdonshire
(Portholme Meadow SSSI) and Yorkshire (Aubert Ings SSSI) are showing just how quickly
the size of populations can increase under a traditional hay-cutting regime.
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Snake's-head fritillaries in a Warrington garden Image R. Wheeler |
"Away from meadows, Snake’s-head Fritillary is without doubt
a neophyte, introduced into a variety of habitats for ornamental reasons. Of
the 500 hundred odd occurrences in the BSBI’s Distribution Database around 90%
are deliberate introductions, mainly in urban areas (21%), gardens and parkland
(15%), churchyards and other religious buildings (14%), and roadsides (7%). In
recent years it has also been widely planted in grasslands as part of
conservation and restoration schemes.
"Seduced by its beauty, many generations of botanists have
wished for Snake’s-head Fritillary to be native (Harvey, 1986). Its relegation
to neophyte status has therefore caused consternation in some quarters but has
opened-up a lively debate as to whether we should be conserving non-natives of ‘cultural
importance’. Either way its delicate chequerboard flowers, captured so
beautifully by the Mackintosh’s transparent watercolours and architectural
lines, is likely to remain one of our most cherished wildflowers."
Many thanks to Kevin for telling us about one of his favourite plants. I think that in order to appreciate the Snake's-head Fritillary at its best, you really need to see it nodding in the breeze, with birds singing in the background. We can't travel to see them during lock-down but thanks to the wonderful Joshua Ajowele, who is studying for a MSc in Plant Diversity at Univ Reading, we can enjoy a 5 second video clip of on-campus snake's-head fritillaries + breeze + birdsong by clicking here. Thanks Joshua!
Many thanks to Kevin for telling us about one of his favourite plants. I think that in order to appreciate the Snake's-head Fritillary at its best, you really need to see it nodding in the breeze, with birds singing in the background. We can't travel to see them during lock-down but thanks to the wonderful Joshua Ajowele, who is studying for a MSc in Plant Diversity at Univ Reading, we can enjoy a 5 second video clip of on-campus snake's-head fritillaries + breeze + birdsong by clicking here. Thanks Joshua!
Day, P.D. 2017. Studies in the genus Fritillaria L.
(Liliaceae). Phd thesis
Harvey, J.H. 1996. Fritillary and martagon – wild or garden?
Garden History 24, 30-38.
Oswald, P. 1994. The fritillary in Britain – a historical
perspective. British Wildlife 3, 200-210.
Pearman, D.A. 2013. Late-discovered petaloid monocotyledons:
separating the native and alien flora. New Journal of Botany 3, 24-32.
Trist, P.J.O. 1981. Fritillaria meleagris L.: its survival
and habitats in Suffolk, England. Biological Conservation 20, 5-14.
Wolstenholme, R.S. 2011. The history of North Meadow,
Cricklade. Fritillary 5, 35-40.
Zhang, L. 1983. Vegetation ecology and population biology of
Fritillaria meleagris L. at the Kungsängen Nature Reserve, Eastern Sweden. Acta
Phytogeographica Suecica 73, 1-96.
This is a good update on Fritillaria meleagris in the UK; however, it’s important to note that ancient flood meadows are anthropogenic. The original European habitat was riparian woodlands before large scale forest clearance in the middle ages.
ReplyDeleteI am happy to contribute.
ReplyDeleteThank you Joshua for permission to use your video clip, lovely to see the plants nodding in the breeze and hear the birds singing! Best wishes from Louise
DeleteCoincidently, today I happened upon Shakespeare's "Ye spotted snakes" from Midsummer Night's Dream. Does anyone know if the Bard was referring to the Snake's-Head Fritillary? Many thanks, Ashley
ReplyDeleteThe quote continues "with double tongue" which does make it sound like it is a real snake. Anything to do with the Snake's-Head Fritillary which might suggest it to be double tongued?
DeleteUmmm! Indeed Laura! I'm only aware of 3 snakes in Britain: Adder, Grass and Smooth. I don't think any are "spotted" though.
DeleteFascinating article, thank you.