Sulphur Clover at Brampton Meadow SSSI, Hunts. Image: K. J. Walker |
Over to Kevin to tell us more:
"Sulphur Clover Trifolium ochroleucon, a lovely pale-yellow clover, is a
speciality of grasslands on the boulder clays of East Anglia stretching in a
wide arc around the fenland basin. Here you are most likely to stumble across it
on one of the ‘protected road verges’ that are scattered across the six East Anglian counties.
Due to the catastrophic loss of old meadows and pastures, these narrow strips
of grassland are fast becoming wildflower arks for some of our most threatened
species. If we needed a flagship species to encapsulate their plight then Sulphur
Clover would be a good candidate; its recent history provides us with insights
into why these road verges are so important and also the challenges their wildflowers
face due to mismanagement, pollution and increased disturbance from human
"Sulphur Clover isn’t particularly rare by British standards.
In conservation jargon it is Nationally Scarce, that is it occurs in less than
5% of the hectads (10 x 10 km grid squares) that make up Great Britain. Nor is
it highly threatened – it’s title ‘Near Threatened’ means that it’s not quite
‘Vulnerable’ but then again certainly not of ‘Least Concern’, although I’d wage
money on it being classified as ‘Vulnerable’ or even ‘Endangered’ on the next
iteration of the GB Red List. But categorisations aside it is indicative of
good quality habitat, the sort that is worthy of conservation at the local if
not the national scale. It seems to be a pioneer species of raw mineral soils
and as such is a poor competitor that was probably more suited to the harsh
conditions that existed in East Anglia during the early post-glacial period before
the development of woodland. So today it hangs on where summer droughts prevent
the spread of more competitive species. Thankfully, like other perennial
clovers it is probably quite long-lived and produces lots of seeds that are
readily dispersed, most likely by animals and machinery (Walker, 2019).
"I first became aware of Sulphur Clover when I worked at
Monks Wood experimental station near to Huntingdon. It was something of a local
celebrity with populations easily accessible during lunchtime walks. It even
grew on the edge of the ride in Monks Wood although it had gone, possibly due
to shading, before I arrived. In some local sites it grew in excellent company,
most notably with Crested Cow-wheat Melampyrum cristatum and Bath Asparagus Ornithogalum pyrenaicum on a spectacular verge near to Honeydon in Bedfordshire, which I
first visited with colleagues in 1997. [Ed.: if you'd like to see what Sulphur Clover, Crested cow-wheat and other wild flowers look like growing on a protected road verge in Hunts., check out this short video by BSBI England Officer Pete Stroh].
"The plant interested me so much that I devoted a chapter of
my PhD to it. Using historical records I managed to trace 35 localities in ‘Old Huntingdonshire’ where it had been recorded in the past. Over two hectic
summers I revisited 30 of these sites collecting information on populations
sizes, habitats, threats and management. The results were worrying (Walker
& Pinches, 2009). At only 13 sites could we find any plants, eight of which
were on road verges. Even more alarming was the decline in old meadows and
pastures; only four of 11 populations had survived. Thankfully one of the best sites was a
SSSI in the middle of Huntingdon Racecourse where 1000s of plants occurred in a
large area of species-rich grassland. We were not alone in charting the fortunes of this lovely
plant. Around the same time similar surveys were carried out in Cambridgeshire,
Essex and Norfolk. The results in some counties were even worse in
Cambridgeshire, for instance, three-quarters of its populations had perished
and it had virtually disappeared from meadows and pastures (Cadbury, 2012).
"So why had Sulphur Clover declined by so much? The simple
answer was that many of its former grassland haunts had been ploughed-up or
improved as farmers either shifted to arable or intensified grassland
management. The few surviving meadow populations were often protected as SSSIs
or County Wildlife sites. The declines on roadsides, though less marked, were
more difficult to explain. A paper by Ken Adams in Essex provided some
much-needed answers (Adams, 2007). The management of road verges had clearly
changed dramatically over the last 100 years. Before the Second World War
verges were usually cut by local farmers relatively infrequently and usually
during the late summer. The arisings were often removed as hay and is some
cases broad verges might have been grazed. Hedgerows would have been managed
less intensively and inputs of nutrients from human activity, in particular
from farming and cars, would have been negligible.
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Crested Cow-wheat on the road verge, Honeydon Image: P. Stroh |
"A few years ago Plantlife published an excellent report on
the importance of road verges for our threatened wildflowers (Plantlife, 2017).
This included a league table in which Sulphur Clover came in fourth with 68% of
its populations confined to road verges, although those above it were confined
to just a single or a handful of sites. So road verges really are its final
refuge. If we are to save it and many other roadside wildflowers for future
generations, then we need to improve their protection and management.
"One of the key problems we face is making sure that highway
managers know where the best road verge sites are. This might sound simple but
it has so far proved problematic. We can erect signs, posts and big flashing
beacons but this still doesn’t stop contractors trashing them with depressing
regularity. Wouldn’t it be great if we could set-up a national inventory of the
best sites that could be easily accessed by all those involved in their
conservation and management? This can’t be beyond our wit! Most
county councils have a list of protected verges and many have undertaken
surveys to establish which wildflowers are present. Combining this information
with the BSBI’s records on a webpage could be a game-changer for our roadside
wildflowers if sufficiently well-publicised and supported.
Crested Cow-wheat and Sulphur Clover on the verge: Stocking Lane Image: P. Stroh |
Adams, K.J. 2007. Notes on Essex specialities. 12: the
status and distribution of Sulphur clover, Trifolium ochroleucon Hudson,
in Essex and Eastern England. Essex Naturalist 24: 115-118.
Bromley, J., McCarthy, B. & Shellswell, C. 2019. Managing grassland road verges. A best practice guide. Plantlife, Salisbury.
Cadbury, C.J. 2012. Sulphur Clover Trifolium
ochroleucon: its decline in Cambridgeshire (v.c.29). Nature in Cambridgeshire 54: 44-53.
Plantlife, 2016. The good verge guide. A different approach to managing our waysides and verges. Plantlife, Salisbury.
Plantlife, 2017. Road verges. Last refuge for some of our rarest wildflowers and plants. Plantlife, Salisbury.
Walker, K.J. 2019. Trifolium ochroleucon Sulphur Clover, in
P. Stroh, K.J. Walker, S. Smith, R. Jefferson, C. Pinches & T. Blackstock
(comp. & eds.). Grassland plants of the British and Irish lowlands. BSBI,
Durham, pp. 307-308.
Walker, K.J. & Pinches, C.E. 2009. The status of Trifolium
ochroleucon in Huntingdonshire. Nature in Cambridgeshire 51:3-12.
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