Tuesday 31 December 2013

More BSBI Plant Hunt records flooding in...

Sea Rocket in flower in VC62
Image: M. Allen
What's in flower in Staffs (VC39) just now? Kevin Clements saw "Gorse, Hazel, Sallow, White Dead-nettle, Red Clover & prob turnip in flower and hawthorn in bud" yesterday at Bentley Haye/Rough Wood, Walsall Borough.

Martin Allen was out in VC62 and saw a total of 25 species in flower during visits to woods and coastal sites in the Redcar and Saltburn areas. He saw Sea Rocket and Cow Parsley in flower.

Still life with Groundsel and Fag-ends
Image: S. Leguil
Sophie Leguil has recorded some more species flowering in London, such as Pseudofumaria lutea in Notting Hill and a groundsel plant living in a pretty scuzzy micro-habitat! 

George and Kate in Guernsey Tweeted that #BSBIPlantHunt is a great family activity! I couldn't agree more, so if you haven't joined the Plant Hunt yet - tomorrow is your last opportunity. 

Cow parsley in flower in VC62
Image: M. Allen
STOP PRESS - Tim and Ceri have just recorded a grand total of 65 species in flower in Cardiff! This just beats the VC55 record for a single survey - and Tim and Ceri were the only two recorders out today in not-so-great weather, apparently.

And they found Geranium rotundifolium in flower - also seen in VC55 on Sunday. Very fitting that one of the two Plant Hunt Co-ordinators now holds the record for most species in a day.

So - who else can find Geranium rotundifolium in flower? And how many species will Sarah (the other Plant Hunt Co-ordinator) and her team find in Shropshire tomorrow? Watch this space! 


  1. Louise, can we find the lists that were recorded in the New Year hunt? I am intrigued but also want to compare with what is flowering on the University of Reading campus. Thanks! Dr M

  2. Tim Rich is collating the lists right now - master list will be published asap, but many short lists are already here https://www.facebook.com/BSBI2011 some individual records here https://twitter.com/BSBIbotany and the VC55 list is here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkG5SF4munVcdDlscnc4M3A5UWx6TVAzaUh6TXNub3c&usp=sharing


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