Webb demonstrates pressing of specimens. Image: G. Lavender |
So it was a pleasure to receive the below account by West Country botanists Graham Lavender and Simon Leach about the first meeting of the 2019 summer programme for the Somerset Rare Plants Group (SRPG). They showed exceptionally good taste by visiting their local herbarium!
Over to Graham and Simon:
"SRPG's summer programme started
on 1st April with a meeting at the Somerset County Herbarium (TTN). This
herbarium is based on material brought together originally by the Somerset
Archaeological and Natural History Society and stored in the museum at Taunton
Castle. It is now housed at the Somerset Heritage Centre, Taunton, and under
the day-to-day care of the South West Heritage Trust.
pressed specimen of Taraxicum oxoniense Image: G. Lavender |
"The herbarium has five SRPG members who volunteer once a
week to curate the collection; in recent months they have been busy
re-organising the specimens to bring them into line with modern taxonomy and
nomenclature, and with families, genera and species now ordered according to
the 3rd edition of Clive Stace’s New Flora of the British Isles (2010). They have
also been repairing old sheets, putting sheets in new folders, and mounting and
adding large numbers of specimens that have been donated by botanists currently
working in the county. Four members of
the herbarium team were on hand to give guided tours of the collection.
There has been much work done recently on Somerset’s
dandelion (Taraxacum) flora, and the herbarium now houses more than 350 sheets of
dandelions, accounting for about 140 of the 150-odd species so far recorded in
the county. This collection is of increasing regional and national importance,
and includes some fine specimens of a number of taxa rarely collected in
Britain such as Taraxacum subericinum, T. pachylobum and T. pietii-oosterveldii.
"The focus of this first ‘herbarium day’ was indeed Taraxacum,
and after an introduction by Simon Leach (joint County Recorder for South Somerset VC5), there
was a talk on dandelion taxonomy and identification by Graham Lavender –
concentrating on the various ‘sections’ into which dandelions are grouped to
aid identification". [Ed.: check out the crib notes on the various Taraxacum sections in the Plant Crib to find out which characters you need to look for when putting dandelions into sections.]
McDonnell showing Taunton Herbarium specimens Image: G. Lavender |
"Members then had an opportunity to peruse the herbarium
collection of dandelions. After lunch, a visit to the grounds of the Somerset
Heritage Centre (and nearby waste ground) provided plenty of fresh material for
us to work on. We learnt about how to spot a ‘good specimen’, how to collect
it, and (back indoors) Jeanne Webb explained how to prepare specimens for
pressing and drying". [Ed.: there's a really useful guide, by the legendary Arthur Chater, to pressing and drying herbarium specimens - download your free copy from the Herbarium webpage!]
"We took several plants through the relevant keys,
including not only the ‘sectional’ key at the front of the BSBI Handbook on Taraxacum, but also the detailed ‘Plant Crib 3’ keys available on the BSBI website. We
were introduced to dandelion terminology too, where terms like ‘ligule’ and
‘bract’, for example, do not refer to the same structures as they do in most
other plants. Several attendees took away plants for working on at home.
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Chris Metherell gets up close and personal with eyebright specimens in the Natural History Museum's herbarium Image: J. Mitchley |
"Numbers are limited for any meeting at the herbarium, and it
has already been necessary by popular demand to put a draft entry in the SRPG
2020 programme for a second visit, possibly to concentrate on another group,
e.g. grasses or sedges. At our winter meetings we have regularly been given short
updates on the herbarium, but this was the first time that members had been
given an opportunity to see it ‘in the flesh’. With thanks to the South West Heritage Trust for providing our meeting
venue and for allowing us privileged ‘behind-the-scenes’ access to what is
becoming an increasingly valuable and interesting collection".
A second visit by popular demand? Proof, if it were needed, that herbaria are wonderful places to which all botanists will flock, given half a chance! If you'd like to follow in SRPG's footsteps and arrange a visit to your local herbarium, you'll find a regularly updated contacts list on the Herbarium page. You'll also find many other herbarium-related articles, resources, links, images... so do check it out!
P.S. When I showed this draft blogpost to BSBI President Chris Metherell, he said: "Another great example of how useful herbaria can be for
botanists of all abilities. Herbaria are at risk in the 21st century and
it could be a case of 'use it or lose it' for some local collections
so it's fantastic to see one being used in such a positive fashion. More herbarium experiences please!"
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